Where is Bob Latta?
We are a community of citizens from Ohio’s 5th Congressional District, committed to working together to improve the lives of our friends, family, and neighbors. It has become clear our representatives in Congress do not have our best interest in mind. This site is intended to provide real-time facts to our district, current event information, and a forum for our community to engage on what matters to us. Updates on our district will be provided, along with the current priorities of Bob Latta, our US House of Representatives Congressman. These priorities are not being protected. Congress is not standing up for us when we need them most.
We believe in the Constitution of the United States, even if Bob has forgotten the oath he took when he was sworn in 18 years ago. We believe in checks and balances. We believe in birthright citizenship, free speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly. We KNOW congress holds the power of the purse and the Executive Branch cannot take that away. We KNOW the US House of Representatives has the power to impeach the President when the Executive Branch is overreaching on a daily basis.
We believe in standing up for our neighbors, no matter their background, economic status, or color of their skin. We believe in helping people that need it. We believe in taxing the ultra rich and corporations to pay their fair share. We believe in true democracy, absent of political contributions from megadonors. We believe in National Parks, Air Traffic Control, Food Safety, Health and Human Safety, Healthcare for ALL as a HUMAN RIGHT, Social Security, Immigration, and in a future that we are proud to hand over to our children.
We are hope, change, positivity, and unity.
How to Participate
Sign our petition to Congressman Latta to show our unity. We demand to have our voices heard, to stand for equality and democracy, and pledge to VOTE OUT LATTA in 2026 should he continue to ignore his constituents.
The budget resolution Congressman Latta voted for includes cuts of $880 billion to programs under his direct influence on the House Committee for Energy and Commerce. The budget will increase the federal debt by up to $20 trillion over the next 10 years, while giving tax breaks to people making OVER $750,000/YEAR! In short, Congressman Latta will be responsible to find almost $1 trillion to cut from Medicaid and Social Security benefits for his constituents so billionaires can get a tax cut, all while the debt increasing at an alarming rate.
This is not fiscal conservativism. This is taking from the poor and giving to the rich, as our federal programs are cut for NO REASON AT ALL.
As a devout Catholic, Congressman Latta votes to remove healthcare as a human right, to allow funding and healthcare to be taken from the country (and world’s) poorest humans, to remove healthcare protections from mothers, and to turn his back on children. Congressman Latta refuses to stand up and speak out against the authoritarian Executive Branch that insists on sending humans to concentration camps because of where they were born, pardoning January 6th felons who abused and killed police officers, and removing life-saving aid to the poorest of countries that rely on our support.
Is this Christianity, Congressman?
Contact Us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!